I met Tim McDonald years ago in Chicago, when we both were attendees of Social Media Club Chicago back when I lived in Milwaukee - and then I moved to Tampa. We stayed in touch online, and as fate would have it, Tim moved to Tampa so we got together a few times there. And of course, I moved out of Tampa, and Tim stayed, but we said we’d get together soon.
Then Covid hit - and Tim got liver cancer - and I moved to Orlando - and we didn’t see each other for years.
Recently, Tim and I got together in person, and he told me more about his story about lurkers, community, and the power of sharing for the good of others, not just for yourself, and I was moved. I knew I had to share his message with you.
What follows is the transcript of our conversation, for paid subscribers only, if you’re more of a reader than a listener.
Tim McDonald 0:06
Hello, I'm Tim McDonald, and I am the founder of Share My Liver. And the best advice I ever got was from my mom, you have two years and one mouth for a reason.
Phil Gerbyshak 0:20
So how young or old were you, Tim, when your mom said that? Were you a precocious kid like me, where your mom probably tried to smack them in your head every day or once a year that?
Tim McDonald 0:30
I think I was probably like, in my, you know, early double digit years, you know, right before that, right around that time frame. It was, but I don't know why I remember it, but probably because you said it so often.
Phil Gerbyshak 0:48
That's awesome. So have you used that, Tim? That's great advice, though, right? One year or two years, one mouth. How have you use that?
Tim McDonald 0:56
Well, I use it a lot. Because I always say like, especially online, we hear this term lurkers in communities. And I always embrace the lurkers because I am one in a lot of communities. But that doesn't mean I'm not paying attention. It just means that I'm taking the time to actually listen to people more than I concern myself about them hearing me.
Phil Gerbyshak 1:20
So that's interesting. So let's break that down. Because I think that will help kind of set some stage here. So first, lurkers are still listening. I think that's a great, great point. Define lurker for those who are not as online experienced as you and me.
Tim McDonald 1:39
Well, I always define it as somebody that you can easily identify being part of your community or following. So it's like, hit the like button, they don't comment on your post, they don't share post and tag you. But you have no way of knowing if they actually saw what you posted, and what they're doing with it.
Phil Gerbyshak 2:02
Okay, so that, that makes sense. Right? So not only are they learn lurkers in many cases, they might be very passive, but they're still participating, right by listening. And I think that's important.
Tim McDonald 2:14
Right. Exactly, exactly. And that's why I just had a conversation last week, about, we were debating with different community managers about whether we should leave lurkers in a community leave alone, whether we should try and re-engage them, or we should just kick them out.
Phil Gerbyshak 2:32
Interesting. So what did you decide?
Tim McDonald 2:34
Well, I was on the side of trying to engage them, but engage them without being pushy. And without doing it obnoxiously. It's all about, like, letting them have their time and space, but creating opportunities where you can try and get them more engaged.
Phil Gerbyshak 2:52
Okay, I like that. So that's that certainly as is possible. Right. So now Facebook offers the at everyone tag, is that obnoxious? I mean, it's only once a week, right? Is that obnoxious? Or is that that, okay?
Tim McDonald 3:05
Oh, God, when I first saw that feature, come out on Facebook, it annoyed the crap out of me because everybody was using it to obsessively. I think a lot of groups have gotten better on it. But some groups have lost me because they were using it every day, or multiple times a day. Now, I only see it in the groups that I am still participating in use maybe once a week. Yeah, well, in my mind that, like if it's important, I, they want everybody to see it. And I get that. But if it's like just saying it, because your every post that you put up, you want somebody to see, that is obnoxious.
Phil Gerbyshak 3:45
No. And I think that that is a good point. Right? We're not using it solely to promote here, we're hopefully trying to advance the group's agenda, right, the group's mission. Right,
Tim McDonald 3:54
exactly. If it's, if it's something that you think pertains to everybody in the group that will get value out of it, or see something that they should be aware of? That is key to it. So that's why I you know, I don't mind it in the groups that I still belong to, because they're using it very intentionally, instead of just because it's a feature there that's available.
Phil Gerbyshak 4:15
Well, and you're intentional to and I think this is an important, important thing to remind folks of right, like you've opted in, if you don't want in, and you don't want to just listen and you don't want to participate. That's okay. Like it's okay to remove yourself from a group don't just, I would argue, like don't complain about that at everyone tag. Don't complain about that. Just leave. Like it's not an airport, right? You don't have to announce your departure. Just get out of the group. And that's okay.
Tim McDonald 4:43
That's exactly what I did. I didn't call anybody out. I didn't, you know, complain about anything. I just took my place and left.
Phil Gerbyshak 4:53
I think that's, I think that's helpful, right? I mean, on emails. We have an unsubscribe On Facebook, we can leave a group we can do that on LinkedIn. I haven't seen a way to I guess mass tag people on on Twitter yet, but I imagine that'll come Instagram. Probably the I mean, I guess I've got close friends on Instagram. Is that what we're? Is that how we do that, Tim, because you're way more of an expert at this. I mean,
Tim McDonald 5:19
I don't know if you can do it on LinkedIn, like, I don't think any other platform other than Facebook really has it now and a couple community platforms have it, but not like, you know, the major social networks, I don't think have the, at everyone type of thing. Or at here, I've seen you platforms, but it's just about, you know, just, you know, hopefully they don't, because I think too many people will not see the intention on it and just use it because it's there. And that's what most platforms do is they try and get us to use the tools and the features that they put out. And they're not supposed to be for everybody. They're only supposed to be for certain people in certain situations.
Phil Gerbyshak 6:07
Absolutely. Good. Good reminder there. So Tim, your background is in community management. And that's how you and I became friends. Gosh, 15 years ago, right in Chicago. When you're there, you moved to New York. Now you're in Tampa. And of course, as soon as you move there, I had to leave. So just like I did Wisconsin, right. So funny enough, right?
So and I say that kind of tongue in cheek, but kind of sad. Like, dude, like, we've been so close. And yet so far, I am grateful for the times that we get, we have to choose to be intentional, as well right to get together in person. But let's talk about community management. Because I think in many cases, it gets a bad rap as somebody who spams crap out there and just post social media. So what is community management really, Tim?
Tim McDonald 6:53
Well, first, I think we needed to find what community is before we can talk about community management. So the easiest way for me to describe it to most people is it's not interchangeable with audience. Most platforms, you have an audience, you are broadcasting out, and people anybody almost in those platforms can see it or your your, you know, people who have selected or you've selected to see it can see it, everybody. But it's not there to create anything more than you sharing what you want. And a community and I always say that. So that's like one distinction.
But the other distinction I say is like, imagine like a sports team, right? Or a music performer. They have concerts, they have games, right or matches you. They have fans, audit slash audience that comes in watches them when they're in that stadium. Now, your community members might be part of your audience too, and go to those events.
But the thing that they're doing that most people that are going to those stadiums or not doing is they connect and engage with each other in between the events going on. And they talk with each other and they promote the artist or the team as when nothing's happening. And that is your community. And usually what I say is community needs to have an exclusive space.
So like, let's just say Facebook, right? I know, you can select who your friends are. But let's say you have a page, right? Almost anybody can like and you can kick people out. But it's open to anybody. There's no like really saying like, right, and that's about it. Community has some form of exclusivity. Now, that doesn't have to mean you need to give a drop of blood or you know, hand over your firstborn child or anything like that.
But what it does mean is that you need to kind of have a gate, you know, that people know that they are doing something to let you open the gates for them to come in. And they can leave whenever they want. But they are there, because they choose to be there not because they're just there, and you're there. So that is like a community to me.
And I think the easiest way to kind of define this in most contexts is that people come together over a shared purpose and create a shared impact. So a lot of times we do not see this anywhere else except in communities. Most companies do this, right. You bring your employees together, not everybody's there over a shared purpose other than maybe getting a paycheck. Your goal is to create a shared output, right?
So the difference between like community and employers or community and audiences is we're all coming together over a shared purpose for creating a shared impact as well. And we all feel like we were part of creating that impact together, not just that you did it for me, for somebody else did it and I was just watching on the sidelines.
Phil Gerbyshak 10:16
Wow. So that's interesting, right? So I like your distinction of audience is not community. And then just because you bought a ticket doesn't mean that your community, it doesn't mean that you're not to be clear, right? So you go from audience, I was gonna say little a to community with a little c, then it grows up into like, capital C community. Yeah. And that's where your shared purpose and shared impact goes in. Is that am I tracking with you, buddy?
Tim McDonald 10:43
You're you're pretty much there. I'm kind of chuckling when you said the capital C, because I just posted on LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago, that my phone I must be in community for too long, because my phone now capitalized as a seeing community automatically for me.
Phil Gerbyshak 10:57
Oh, that's funny. That's, that's so funny, man. And that's so true, though. Because I would say when I think a Tim McDonald, the word I think of his community all the time, right? Like if, like, I know, you have a tattoo on your arm, right, and we'll talk about that in a minute here. But I would say, you know, if you're gonna get a tattoo on your chest, it would be community with a big capital C, right?
Tim McDonald 11:21
Like the Superman logo with the C and so.
Phil Gerbyshak 11:23
Because, right because I've, we've been friends a long time. And I've seen, you know, I've watched you in community, I've been part of some of the communities and watch from afar. Other ones, I've been a little c community member, right? Because if you invite me, I'm gonna at least show up. Right, I'm probably going to show up.
With that, so but I've watched the shift, Tim, from, you know, the time you got to Tampa and I know that, you know that you've transformed man. Like, you've you've become quite different than the Tim that I knew 15 years ago, like, not that you weren't about community then but I think you were like capital B community, like business community. And now you're really the capital see, like, purpose and impact. So what shifted that for you, man? What shifted? For you to change that?
Tim McDonald 12:28
That's a great question. Um, I really think back then, it was all about because it was also knew that I was just absorbing what I was taking in from others. As I've grown and become more experienced, I've started to look within instead of externally. And when I start looking within, I start realizing what matters to me. You know, what is healthy for me as an individual. And what I found was that I am really passionate, not about making money. Not that money is a bad thing. I'm not against money, don't get me wrong, but the impact is greater. And I wish was a currency that we could spend. Because I would just do that all the time.
Phil Gerbyshak 13:20
Yeah, right. Wouldn't it be great. And I, I wish that were true, too. So that really is the shift then kind of from me, to we write we focus on?
I was kind of, you know, consuming. And now you're connecting. And I think that's a big, big shift for you there connecting with impact, as opposed to, you know, connecting with, uh, with income, right?
Tim McDonald 13:44
Yeah. Well, that's, I mean, to sum it up, yes. You know, and I know back in those days, I really didn't, I made it look like I had money. I had nothing. I mean, I remember one trip down. Because I lived in the suburbs of Chicago, one trip down to the city, I had enough money to go one way on the train. And you know, what just would have it, the conductor didn't ask for my ticket on the way down. So I didn't have to ask anybody for money to get home. That's how little money I had back then.
But you know, now, I'm not saying I'm rolling in dough, but I am definitely in a lot better position than I was back then. Which maybe allows me to really have that focus. But back then I wasn't focused just on making money so I could have it. It was basically making money is in his destiny to be able to survive and do the things to do.
We're now it's like, it's really about like, you know, I can be intentional about who I work with, what causes I'm involved with, because they need to align with who I am as a person and what impacts me personally. And this is what I found.
It's like, just, you know, I was always latching on to other people's causes and supporting them. But you know what? It's kind of like, I, you know, it's just, you know, when we talked about sure my liver and I'm sure we're gonna go into this, but, you know, it was just like when I was diagnosed with cancer, right, like before that, yes, I did, like, I know, when I was in Chicago, I did a walk, you know, for, you know, cancer or something like that, you know, around the park, you know, and put a team together and did all that. But it didn't have any meaning to me. It was just doing something good.
You know, that I knew was good. But it didn't mean anything. You know, I didn't have an attachment to it.
Being diagnosed with cancer now, I am like, you know, and it's not just cancer, it's colorectal cancer, colon cancer, right. And that's what I have. That's what I'm passionate about. That's what I want to see change. I don't want to see other people have to go through the same thing that I'm going through, why I have my shirt on, get shit done get screened, you know, is because I want to create awareness. So people are getting screened for colon cancer, so they don't have to get colon cancer, which means they don't have to go through chemo.
They don't have to get surgery. They don't have to get radiation, immunotherapy, whatever it is, you don't have to go through everything that I'm going through, and so many other people like me are going through. But I couldn't have done that with the same intensity and the same level of impact with the people around me that are experiencing the same type of disease that I am. If I didn't have it.
Phil Gerbyshak 16:23
Yeah, yeah. The mean, well, again, right, you go from little M meaning yeah, there's a meaning to capital M meaning. And now there's a right that's, that's kind of me running. Right. So that's all about. But with that, Tim I let's, let's talk about that. We'll get to the sharing your liver part first.
First of all, we're wearing blue today, to support that colorectal cancer and finding a cure. Let's be clear, I changed my shirt, right before I came on, because it's important to me, because you're important to me, and I want you to know that. Tim, I, that matters to me, but you know, I took a strong arm selfie right before we got on. So I'll post that too. We'll, we'll get there, man, I think that's important.
Now let's get personal. You've got cancer buddy. And you're kicking its ass. It's not kicking your ass. But you still need a liver. So talk to me about Tim's liver. And how that went for you, man. Because I know that's, it's, it's makes me sad. But I'd love for you to talk about that.
Tim McDonald 17:26
Well, you know, I when I about a year ago, I became kind of given the green light to go ahead and start searching for a donor because colorectal cancer patients that have metastasis to your liver, which is what I have. Otherwise, you wouldn't need a liver transplant if you just had it in your colon still, but but since I had it in my colon or in my liver, and it was all over I really didn't wasn't eligible for a lot of these other treatments. So just to put the context in why I'm looking for a liver transplant, it was really the only option for me, that could provide me a chance to read my body of cancer entirely and live a longer life. That's why I pursued it.
But to be a donor, you know, to get a donor, you need to find your own living donor. And if you're not aware, and you're hearing this, your liver regenerates itself in about eight to 10 weeks. So you can donate up to 70 75% of your liver, and it will regrow in that timeframe. Most people weren't aware of that, but it's an amazing organ in your body. In addition to everything else it does, it actually will regenerate itself.
So after I had my meeting, and I get I was given the green light to search for my own donor, I put up a website because I know it's like, you know, you can put posters up, you can share stuff on social media, people can, you know, call the number, but really, you have no way of tracking that.
So I wanted to have a way to track it at least a little bit. And say, Well, let me create a website so that I can track the analytics on it, see who's visiting, see who may be clicked on certain areas, see what's working, what's not working. And so we created this Tim's liver.com. And it was really easy to remember because it's simple two words, you know, and short. And to the point, you know, relevant. So I started sharing that.
And I got some people calling in, I had a good flow of calls in, I would share that on social media. I have a sign on the back of my car that says that. But really for those first six months, I wasn't seeing a whole lot of realistic opportunities for potential donors coming through the hospital.
And it made me think but the other thing that occurred to me during that six months, right was that all these other donors that had tried to become donors were people before me that got liver transplants that had metastasized cancer. They have like they were telling me there's five to seven people that got tested and didn't qualify for whatever reason, maybe it wasn't the right blood pipe, maybe it wasn't the right volume of liver, you know, because your liver regenerates to the size that it was. So I can't take a liver from too big of a person or too short of a person, right? I need the right volume of liver. But all these different criteria.
And so I started thinking I'm like, There's five to seven people that are trying to help somebody that weren't able to help somebody but are still willing to help somebody else. What happens to those people? Where do they go, and I create, I just dawned on me that maybe I should create a site where we can pool these potential donors together, make more people aware of the importance of becoming a living liver donor, and help the patients like me that are coming after me connect them with potential donors, so they don't have to do all the work on their own.
And so I created this site called share my liver. And that site was really not focused around me, it was just focused around anybody that had metastasized colorectal cancer that was pursuing a liver transplant, and anybody that was interested in being a donor to help any of those people. This amazing thing happened when I started doing that was I got more people sharing it, more people visiting the site, and more people calling to be my donor. Then when I was asking for myself, I wasn't asking at all for myself.
And the funny thing about this bill is my wife, some very good friends of mine, all thought I was crazy, absolutely insane, that I would try and help other people before I had a donor myself. And what I just said to them was, I hear you, but I cannot tell you the feeling that I have inside, when I have a potential donor come through, that I can connect with a recipient. That just brings so much joy to me and brings a smile to my face. And it just it fuels me to keep going that they're saying it's unhealthy for me, but they don't, they're not living in my body. I know it's healthy.
For me, that was healthy for me, helping others in a similar situation to me, help connect them with potential donors. That was what I was all about. But at the same time, after they said that, I started realizing that more people were calling for me and wanting to help me.
And the best part of this story is going to be when I actually get the donor, I actually get the transplant. And when I can sit here maybe a year from now and say, I helped three other people get living donors from this. I mean, that's my whole goal of this is not to turn it in. I mean, my hope is that we don't have to deal with a lot of liver transplants for metastasized cancer patients, because more people will get screened, and they'll prevent getting colon cancer.
So we won't have to go to those treatment stages of chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy surgeries or transplants. That's my hope. I hope that I created this and we won't need it in five years. The reality is, we probably will.
And it's probably going to become increasingly more because it's one of these kinds of experimental things in the US right now. It was piloted over in, in Norway, I think about eight years ago. And so they have about eight years history. We've been doing it here in the US for almost five years now. And they just did a most recent report that just came out this year that looks at our history in the US up through like the end of summer of last year.
And the results are very promising. And the whole thing and I'm very close with my surgeon who would be doing the transplant surgery, and one of the things that he's a big advocate of is that a liver transplant shouldn't be looked at as a last line of defense for a metastasize colorectal cancer patient, it should be looked at as a treatment option early on in the in the disease.
And that's what I am looking forward to working with him to try and make that possible. That's another reason why I want to get a liver transplant is to be part of the research that goes into showing that this is a viable treatment option.
Phil Gerbyshak 24:20
Awesome. So friends, if you're listening, right, if you want to be a living liver donor, find someone to share your liver with you can go to share my liver.com and check that out. Right but as Tim said, Get screened, right get shit done, get screened, don't get don't wait until this is too late for you. You can get screened now.
Tim McDonald 24:44
I will just say I will just say it's not a matter of just to getting screened, but the age now you can get screened either older, or if you have a family history. And if you don't know your family history, this is why it's important to ask and I know for people who are adopted, it might be it a little bit tricky into knowing that but have those uncomfortable conversations with your family so that you can find out what your history is. Because if you have a history of colorectal cancer, you want to get screened 10 years before their diagnosis date. So if your grandfather was diagnosed with colon cancer at 45, do you want to get screened at 35? Yeah,
Phil Gerbyshak 25:22
no, that's, that's an awesome point. That's super important. So I'm 10 years before diagnosis. Yep. 10 years. Okay, so get uncomfortable asking uncomfortable questions. Find out before it's too late. Right, like make that happen. I think that's really, really important. So Tim, have you built up big immunity yet? Around share my liver? How's this work?
Tim McDonald 25:47
It's growing. I mean, I'm doing it. Well, you know, there's a couple things right, like I work full time, I go through chemo currently, my energy levels, and it's not what it was one from getting old, but to especially from the chemo. But, but the reality is that I don't work on this eight hours a day, you know, it is something it's a passion project of mine. And some days, I work like four hours on it. And sometimes I don't work at all on it.
And so the one thing that I would say is that I don't feel like I've grown a true community with the big C around it yet. But I think we're in this in the starting stages as a small c in bringing together people, anybody that's gotten a liver transplant, it's a metastasized cancer patient is all on board with what I'm doing. They think it's a wonderful idea. They help promote it, they share it, they want to tell their their donors that donate it to them, they want them to share their stories. So you know, we're starting to see people come together around that.
And I'm in another group that is specific to people that have colon cancer that had metastasized to their liver that are looking at liver transplants. And so the people in that group, whenever I see somebody posts it, they're having their meeting, they're having their donor meeting, I always encourage them to sign up on our site, let's get their information.
And if I have a potential donor, I'll try and have them call on their behalf. You know, there's a lot of privacy laws, and I can't go into actually connecting the people directly together. But I can go into having that potential donor call on behalf of that person directly to the medical center that's doing the transplant.
Phil Gerbyshak 27:27
Awesome, awesome. Well, lots of lots of good that you can do there, right and share my liver.com folks can get involved get educated. I know you've got a lot of great resources there, Tim.
With that, right, that home transition, right from me to WWE, has never been more clear to me with then with the transition from Tim's delivered to share my liver. Yes. And I love how much joy that gives you because I want to light up, man. When you talk about share my liver, it just lights you up. And for those listening that have a family member that are thinking, Well, why don't they why does it 10? Why doesn't my spouse? Why doesn't my loved one? Why don't they focus on themselves and get better?
Tim is proof that moving from me to we and focusing on the big C community, helping others helps you and I think that's so interesting. So give folks a chance to help you right? So first, if you're if you are suffering from metastasized colon cancer, and it's moved to your liver, like, go to share my living.com, right, like, get involved with that. And raise your hand because people can't help you if they don't know.
So that might be uncomfortable for some that are listening, right? If you're a big time introvert, you're like, like to put the focus on me, I would still argue that it would help you a lot more than you realize, just to get involved and to share this, what do you think
Tim McDonald 29:00
I was gonna say, if you're an introvert, if you don't like putting things out there, I actually have somebody that I've worked with who was doing it for their partner, and they didn't want it shared anywhere.
And for their donor call, you're supposed to invite all your family and friends and she was like, I can't do it because and I just I told her privately I just said, if you want, I'll show up on that call. I will become his biggest champion - if he's comfortable with that. Now he wasn't comfortable with it. So I respected his wishes and didn't do it.
But what I'm saying to anybody out there is if you just don't feel comfortable talking about yourself, sharing your story with the world. Tell your story to me. I'll share it with the world. I have other people that will share it with the world. And you don't have to feel like you're doing it. And I think that's the the beauty.
For part about this is, you know, ultimately my goal for this would be that anybody that's looking for a liver transplant, that's a metastasized cancer patient, if you come to share my liver, the ultimate goal would be that you just put in your information used, I'm not saying you don't need to do any work, you still need to do a little bit of work. But we would have enough donors, we would have enough resources on there, where you could come here and get everything you need, without having to do anything else on your own.
That's my goal, obviously, in the in the long run, because it's all about like finding your donor, but it's also about navigating the insurance. It's also about navigating, you know, to be a candidate for a liver transplant, there's a lot of criteria that goes into that it's not just as simple as you have cancer in your liver. It's the type of genetic makeup of your cancer, it's has the cancer been removed from everywhere else in your body, you know, how have you responded to the treatment, you've been getting up to this point, there's a lot of factors involved there.
So you know, so but if you qualify, and you want to learn more, we want to be the resource for you. And if we don't have what you're looking for, this is how we're going to grow it is just to get the information that you're looking for, find it and then put it up there. For others.
That's how we grow the community is by understanding that poll, two ears and one mouth for a reason. We listen to what people are asking for. And then we can tell them, because we listen, we're able to provide this.
Phil Gerbyshak 31:27
I love that, Tim, I love that. Well, the my hope today is that we've magnified this issue and help magnify the impact of share my liberty.com I know there's a lot there, Tim, a lot of people can get going, I'd recommend folks get started, just go to https://share my liver.com
Just check it out, see, maybe it impacts you maybe the impacts a loved one, maybe you don't even know if it impacts someone but take a look, give it a share. Like just share the website out like hey, here's something that might help somebody else. Magnify that impact.
You, as a listener, as a viewer, you can help move this from me to we, and you can have a bigger impact. So Tim McDonald, my friend, I appreciate you, I love you. And I can't wait for you to get a liver my friend.
Tim McDonald 32:17
So thank you so much, Phil and I so appreciate, you know, you wearing blue doing the strong arm selfie, that all just helps create awareness. And obviously the main goal here is to get people screened, because early detection is a way that you treat this and cure it.
Phil Gerbyshak 32:35
Absolutely. Absolutely. So real quick, your strong arm selfie, if you use that hashtag strong arm selfie shared on Twitter, Instagram, just take a selfie, right? Yeah, do that and then share the picture. And you get what $1 colorectal what's the what's the value for fight colorectal cancer?
Tim McDonald 32:51
$1 gets donated to them, to fight colorectal cancer. I'm an ambassador for them. I don't get paid by them. But I'm an ambassador for them. And what they do is they provide advocacy, research funding, and education and support for patients. So if that dollar goes to their efforts, and it really helps out, I mean, the Cologard Classic is going right on right now out in Tucson, Arizona. And it just amazing.
This morning, I wasn't able to go because I had some stuff happening locally advocacy work that I was doing locally. But you know, to see the today's show out there with doing dryer and you know, all these people, Katie Couric was out there, you know, last night at the event that they had it just amazing to see the support that we're starting to get on a national level to bring awareness to this because Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of death of cancers.
So it's really important to people and it's but it is also the only one that I think is very treatable if you catch it early enough. And if you wait for symptoms, it's probably too late. Wow.
Phil Gerbyshak 33:55
Great stuff there, Tim. So real quick, share my liberty.com is the website you want to go to. You want to help this share that website. Don't forget about Tim's liberty.com. And last but not least, you want to do an easy impact. Take a strong arm selfie, and share that out. Make a difference. Friends move from me to we. Tim McDonald - it's a joy. Thanks, buddy.
Happy update: In the time since we recorded this and saw each other a few weeks back, Tim found his donor and will be getting a liver on 5/16/23. I’m so glad for Tim!!!
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