My daughter reminds me almost every time she does dishes that I have more than my fair share of coffee cups. She’s not wrong.
But for me, coffee cups are memory and inspiration vessels.
Take this cup for example. My buddy Myles Roberts bought this at a yard sale in the Cincinnati area because it made him think of me. It says Florida. It says Phil. And for me, this cup will always make me think of Myles and the good times we’ve shared.
So on this Sunday morning, before my dogs are barking and the world is flying by, I’m taking time to give thanks for my porcelain coffee cups that slow down time and make me feel inspired and wistful.
Thanks Myles for this gift a few years ago. And thank you coffee cup for the gift of inspiration and memories.
My wife tells me I have to many coffee cups, I disagree. Similar reasons as you my friend!